Sunday, May 31, 2009


We just got some new chalk today for the backyard.  It got a little heated between them. Spencer was not keane on sharing them. But great art is made through stress and toil, right?

Daddy helped with the mickey.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


So we got our tree delivered on Thursday this week and there it sat for a couple days (it fell over twice!). But today we got to put it in its new home...Our backyard!

The kids always double check our work to make sure it's up to code.

The top layer is normal dirt. Everything below it isn't. It's thick and sticky clay! 
It kept sticking to the shovel!

Spencer pitched in too!

The hole is done!

And so is the tree! It looks great! We're so glad we did it. It was way cheaper than we thought it would be. The tree was only $180 and a delivery fee of $60. The tree is huge! It's as tall as the house. Plus we're glad we planted it ourselves. All of our neighbors thought we should hire someone. An illegal midget perhaps? Not this time Paco!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Weekend

We got to ride on a train at this great park in Santa Rosa

We also got to go to the zoo! Ally loved the petting zoo.
(thanks for the pass Auntie Gretchen!)

The Menn

LA Visitors

Brooks and Alicia came up a couple weekends ago for a quick visit. They got to see "Up" a couple weeks early, see Pixar, and see the kids! Lots of seeing!

Apparently Indy misses LA and wants to go back.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Kids and art studios don't mix.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hip Baby Girl

Thanks Spencer!

Spencer likes to pull clothes out of Ally's closet. He pulled out this red dress Ally has. I left the room for a minute and this is what I saw when I came back. I'm pretty sure Spencer put it on her. I guess he thought she wasn't formal enough.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I realized tonite that we never posted photos of our huge midwest tour (we should've made t-shirts! darn!). I was going thru them and there's some great ones! So here's a brief tour of that MEGA TRIP!...

Spencer let Grandma hold him!

Spencer loved getting pushed on Grandpa and Grandma's swing

The Manns at daddy's work (we took Grandpa and Grandma!)

Ally got a free ride!

Spencer running around Pixar

Looking adorable

Payton was really sweet to Alexandra

They loved playing with Colin and his ball toy. Pixar "Cars" themed of course. Atta boy Colin!

I love this photo

Sissie! What's all this white stuff!?

Have a wad of paper brother!

Spencer loved this old school Sesame Street toy Heather had. He even got good at giving a good whack when it got stuck. Ah...that's my boy. That 'fix-it' technique will come in handy in the future.

Our new cousin ARABELLA!


Do I have to say anything on this one?...

Sydney blocking in Spencer

Everybody on Heather!

Our new cousin, HARLAND!

The kids LOVED searching for Easter Eggs!

mmm...more cupcakes!

Spencer and Auntie Heather

This was a hilarious photo to take. Everyone was screaming!

Ready to go home! This was my view of the kiddos in the backseat of the rental. They're both facing forward now!