Sunday, January 25, 2009

See Food

Not for the weak stomach crowd, but hilarious to us!

California Academy of Sciences

We went to the California Academy of Sciences yesterday.  
They had lot of cool things to look at.
Like Zebra's
and a fish book with daddy.
and real fish too!

Finger Painting

Mommy tried to get Spencer and Ally to finger paint on Thursday.  Ally loved it!
She really got into the smearing.
How artistic!

Spencer is more like daddy when he was little. Didn't want to get messy in the paint.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Cuppie Cakes

The best food ever!

Playgroup Birthday Party the Group Photo...

Here are most of our playgroup friends.  You have no idea how hard was even to get this photo unless you were actually there.  Don't try this at home.

Just be a dentist

Playgroup birthday videos

This is why we don't take the kids to the grocery store anymore!

Spencer makes breakfast?

Playgroup Birthday Bash

Early this month we had a play group Birthday party for all the kids.  They all turn 2 within 3 months of each other.  So we got together and rented out the Jack and Jills play space in town.  Here are Spencer and Ally playing in the little house set up.
Oh no Spencer unloaded the whole cupboard!
Ally and another baby doll suffering from shaking baby doll syndrome
Poor Dolly!