Friday, March 30, 2007


When Indy met Spencer

When we first took Spence home, we had to do some introductions. After a bit of initial sniffing, the two soon became very comfortable with each other.

Any one that naps as much as Spencer does, is fine with Indy...

Spencer comes home!

After a week in the hospital, Spencer was finally given the ok to come home. Here's mom and son coming out to the car...

Peeking out

Matrix baby

Little Spencer was kind of hard to hold back then, he was hooked up to all kinds of monitors and there were wires everywhere. I prefer the much easier, wireless model that he is now. (you can see the nurse taking off his bilirubin sunglasses at the beginning of the movie)

Our little fry guy

Spencer was looking a little jaundiced, so they needed to put him under the "fry lights" to cook him up a bit more (aka-get his bilirubin level up). He had two velcro stickers by his eyes to hold on his cool little sunglasses.

One of the night nurses drew Spence some eyes so he could see...

eye, eye captain!

This is one of my favorite moments. We see Spencer's eyes for the first time.

Spencer in the NICU

For the first week or so, we had to visit our little guy in the hospital's NICU. He needed a little help with this blood sugars and his breathing. The breathing got taken care of right away, but he needed a little more time with his food (that's the tube in his mouth). He eventually ripped that out himself!

here's a wide shot showing his little incubator...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Spencer's Born!

We're parents! After Julie braved thru a quick c-section procedure, Spencer was born on at 5:38PM on March 13th. He weighed in at 8 pounds even, which is pretty amazing considering he was 5 weeks early! Here's his first close up. Taken a few minutes after he was born.