Spencer had a big day on Sunday. He got to meet a new friend, Noah Mason Zikry who's just a few weeks old. Then he got to go to a tree farm with everyone. We didn't get a tree, but we did get a wreath for the front door.
When I was back in Chicago I had photo's taken with all my cousins. Here we all are in our Christmas Sweaters. From left to right (me, Sydney, Dylan, Aniesa, Colin, Payton). Aren't we a good looking family?
We all met Brooks and Alicia for a walk at the Huntington on Sunday. Brooks has a fancy new camera that Spencer loved to grab. You can check out the rest of the photos on Brooks' site
Spencer just learned to crawl this week. He's all over the house now. He moves in a very interesting way. We call it the Spiderman crawl. Look out Toby Maguire!
Mommy and Daddy took me to the Montrose Christmas Parade last night. There were twinkle lights in the trees and lots of things and people to look at. I especially liked the marching bands and the drumlines. Santa came by in a helicopter and waved to me. I am sure he is planning to give me a lot of gifts this year. I sure like parades, but boy it was really cold outside!